- The New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven like a jeweled chandelier.
- The walls will be of jasper (that means diamonds).
- Each of the twelve gates will be a single pearl.
- The foundations of the walls will be made of all kinds of jewels--emeralds, sapphire, topaz, diamonds and amethyst, to mention a few.
- The streets will be made of pure gold.
- There will be no evil, shame or lies.
- There will be no tears, pain or suffering.
- There will be no sun, moon or stars because the glory of God will give it light.
- There will be no temple because God the Father and Jesus the Son will be our temple.
- Jesus, the lamb, will be its light.
- The nations will walk by its light.
- The City of God will be as long as it is wide as it is high, 1400 miles cubed, which is as far as from San Francisco to Chicago.

Heaven is not pie in the sky. It is as real as you are and it's the place for people who love God and live for Him. Jesus loves you and wants you to be in Heaven with Him. In fact, He's coming again. Nobody knows the exact day except the Father. Will you be ready?
Lord Jesus, I pray for the ones reading this, that they would experience your amazing grace and love and respond with lives holy and true for you. Amen.
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