Amazingly, Jesus rested his head on a pillow in the back of the boat and slept through the furious storm. Water made puddles on the floor and the disciples freaked out.
"Lord!" they said to Jesus. "Don't you care if we drown?"
Jesus got up, looked at them, and said, "Where is your faith?" Then he stood, raised His hands over the tumultuous waters. "Quiet! Be Still!" He shouted. The storm calmed and the lake grew flat.
"Who is this?" one of the disciples asked. "Even the wind and waves obey Him."
Jesus still calms storms today. What storm is pounding down on your life? Health or relationship issues? Fear or anger? Say His name, like the disciples did and you will know He is with you. He may not take your problems away, but He will walk with you through them. You can trust Him to be your BFF.
Lord Jesus, I pray for the person who is reading this story today. Quiet the storm in his/her life. Amen.
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