"I have found the book of the law in the temple of the Lord," said the priest, and he gave it to Shaphan to read. He took the book back to King Josiah and read it to him. The king wept and cried and tore his robes. The book had been hidden in the temple so many years that the people didn't know how to live for God. In fact they worshipped other gods, gods that men made out of wood and metal. The gods have eyes but couldn't see, ears but couldn't hear, and mouths that couldn't speak. The handmade gods had no power at all to help the people.

She said that the Lord said, "I am going to bring disaster on this place! My people have forgotten who I am. They burn incense to other gods and have forgotten who I am." But because Josiah tore his robe and humbled himself, he avoided the terrible disaster. He gathered his people together and read the book of the law to them. The people looked at each other and thought about how they lived. Like Josiah, they cried out to God and pledged to obey the words of His law with all their hearts. Josiah collected all the handmade gods in the temple and burned them and ground them into dust. He made the pagan priests move out of the temple so that only the one true God would be worshipped and adored.
Something good happens when you and I read God's word. Like Josiah and his people, we learn what is good and right. We learn how much we need God. When we confess to Him the wrong things we've done and ask Him to help us live for Him, He will do it. He will give us new hearts and we will be able to love as He loves. I hope that is your desire. It's mine too.
Lord Jesus, I am praying for the ones reading your story. Let them know how much you love them and help them live to love You and others. Amen.
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