
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Where is Your Pot of Gold?

I will tell you a secret. Once upon a time many years ago, I was a scuba diver and dreamed about finding lost treasures in the sea. Sunken ships still fascinate me and deep inside I would like to put on a wet suit, mask, regulator and oxygen tank to search for my pot of gold.

During the Christmas season, it's easy for me to be distracted when I shop for presents to give to my family and friends. That's because I find a lot of things I'd like to have.

Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Matthew 6:21.

Did you know when we get to heaven, the streets will be made of gold? The stuff we think is so valuable today will be the ground we walk on. Wow! We won't be thinking about finding our treasure because Jesus will be our treasure. Did you know you are His treasure? He risked everything for you, His very life, so you could live with Him forever.

Think About It

When I think of all Jesus did for me, I want to respond by giving back to Him, but how? 1 Peter 4:7-10 has the answer: "Let us love each other deeply. Let us offer hospitality to each other without complaint and let us use whatever  spiritual gifts we have to serve each other faithfully." 

Pray About It

Lord Jesus, I know it isn't all about me and my things. Help me to focus on You, Your love for me and how I can share your love with others. Amen.

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