One of my favorite pictures is of Jesus holding a lamb. Lambs like to be held. So does Maggie. She wants to be in my lab or in my arms all the time. She thinks that's what I'm here for.
I compared Maggie's relationship to me with my relationship to Jesus. Because I read His word, I learn His ways more and more. That is huge in today's world, because many people and things compete for my allegiance. Since Christ is my shepherd, I cannot be deceived. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," (John 14:6). So I will follow only Him, feed only on His word, obey only His commands, and experience His glorious presence every day.
Think About It
How about you? Will you find the truth in what Jesus says? Will you follow Him all the days of your life? Will you obey His commands and enjoy His presence? If your answers to these questions are "yes," you have great hope for your future, for eternity. Praise God!
Pray About It
Thank you, Father God, that you sent Jesus to teach me how to live and to die for me because I could never be perfect. Thank you that my perfection and strength are in Christ alone. Amen.