School is out! Summer's finally here. Do you have big plans?
Camping with your family?
Church, music or scout camp?
Swimming or the city zoo?
Whatever you do, it's easy to fall down in your faith and become an easy target for temptation. How will you avoid getting off track this summer? Here are seven tips:
- Read the Bible and talk to God every day. This helps you remember to do what is right.
- Think of ways you can help people. Don't always think about yourself.
- Read good books.
- Watch wholesome movies or TV.
- Be safe by being cautious. Slow down. Put on sunscreen.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Eat healthy food. Fast food is delicious, but you don't need it every day.
No one wants to be around a grumpo. When we don't get enough rest or eat right, we get irritable. That's not fun for anyone. How will you practice thinking of other people this summer?
Pray About It
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a break from school. Sometimes without the normal structure, life gets confusing and I forget to live for you. Help me not to fall away but to live for you. Amen.